You are here: Home Live Maps Map Layer Documents

Map Layer Documents

Apart from the use of maps in the LEDET GAP application this site provides access via a Map atlas** to a selection of live GIS web maps to support a range of users. Users can access maps via the Internet using their own standard web browser. Descriptive map information (for various layers depicted in the Atlas) can be accessed by selecting the relevant link market "" in the table below.

The functionality of the live maps will be enhanced and expanded in future. This site is still in development should be considered as DRAFT.

Maps categories:

All the maps provided here applied the mesoframe methodology to represent information thematically. Four categories of maps are provided namely:


1. Demographics Persons below MLL

Population distribution

Proximity to economically active population

2. Economic Agro-forestry and fishing GVA

Mining and quarrying GVA

Manufacturing GVA

Finance and business services GVA

Infrastructure services GVA

Government and community service GVA

Trade GVA

Total gva per mesozone

Total GVA per proximity region

3. Environmental      
Alien plant invastion suitability

Conservation areas

Ecosystem status

Habitat fragmentation index


Water Groundwater vulnerability

River system status

Stressed catchments
5. Agriculture Agriculture: Cadastre, fields and degraded areas

Agriculture: commodities
6. Mining Deposit status and commodity type

Mining rights

Deposit status

Mine prospecting rights

7. Tourism Tourism Strategy


**Note: The number of simultaneous users are limited and users might experience delays in accessing the live maps.

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