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The following contains a selection of current planning related documents.



The New Growth Path Framework

Government adopted the New Growth Path (NGP) as the framework for economic policy and the driver of the country’s jobs strategy

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PICC - Summary of SA National Infrastructure Plan

This document is a high-level summary of the National Infrastructure Plan. It sets out the challenges and enablers which South Africa needs to respond to in planning and developing enabling infrastructure that fosters economic growth.

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National Development Plan

The plan helps us to chart a new course. It focuses on putting in place the things that people need to grasp opportunities such as education and public transport and to broaden the opportunities through economic growth and the availability of jobs. Everything in the plan is aimed at reducing
poverty and inequality.

Download file Link

See also:

A summary of the NDP: Download file Link




Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill, 2013

The Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform has introduced the Spatial Planning and Land-Use Management Bill (SPLUMB) (14 of 2012) in Parliament. The Bill will have very serious consequences for local government. It aims to confirm, but also regulate the role of municipalities in land-use planning and land-use management. This article provides a very brief overview of the Bill’s main features.

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Also see a commentary on the new SPLUMB here


Limpopo Spatial and Land use Management Bill, 2012

This document is a provincial version of the SPLUMB. It aims to introduce planning and development principles for land development and spatial planning in the Limpopo province; to set out the responsibilities of the municipality, provincial department and traditional authorities with regards to spatial planning and land use management; to establish a system for provincial and municipal spatial planning and land use management in the province.

Download file.



Limpopo Green Economy Plan (Including provincial climate change response), 2013

A green economy is an economy where growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This often requires support through targeted public expenditure, policy reforms and regulation changes. The Green Economy is about local production and consumption, efficient use of energy and water and care of natural and created resources. It is a new way of thinking, planning and living. It provides socially and environmentally just solutions to economic exclusion and resource degradation.

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