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Strengthening Ocean Observing in Africa - 13 March 2019

In March 2019, over 100 delegates from 21 countries gathered at the Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth for the 3rd International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC3).

Professor Mike Roberts and associated colleagues of the West Indian Ocean SOLSTICE (Sustainable Oceans, Livelihoods and Food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem) project, in conjunction with the UNESCO IOC Perth Programme Office, successfully hosted the IIOSC3 on behalf of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Joint Project Office.

The event served as a platform for several overarching Indian Ocean meetings.


The Academic Cooperation, Science and Technology Focus Group of the SA IORAG hosted a networking event on the side-lines of the IIOSC 2019 on 13 March 2019. The meeting included international participants from Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania.

The focus of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for participants to showcase the research priorities and capabilities of their universities and research institutions with a view to building and strengthening marine science networks in Africa under the ambit of IORA.


The presentations from the event are listed below:


Mozambique Channel Observation: Need to strengthen - B. Malauene


African Experiences in Observational Oceanography - J. Ahanhanzo


GOOS Vision - J. Hermes


Development of Ocean Observations in Africa and the adjacent Island States - M. Odido

Cooperation in Ocean Observations, Forecasting and Services in the Indian Ocean - M.N. Kumar

Strengthening Academic Collaboration in Africa - N. du Plessis

The Role BERI plays within the Seychelles’ Blue Economy Roadmap - N. Gordon

Capacity building, research and consultancy in the marine sciences: promises and limitations - S. Dyall


The meeting report may be accessed from the following link.

Strengthening Ocean Observing in Africa - 13 March 2019
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