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4th WRC Symposium

The 4th Water Research Commission (WRC) took place at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, 11-13 September 2019. The SA IORAG Secretariat and South African Weather Service (SAWS) co-convened a session on 'Coastal engineering innovation to keep up with coastal population densification'.


The increasing pressure on the coastal zone requires innovative and creative scientific and engineering solutions. Integrated coastal management is a truly trans-, multi- and inter-disciplinary research field where numerous stakeholders have to engage across a range interests. The session looked at some of the recent coastal engineering, and scientific developments in support of coastal sanitation, hazard and vulnerability research. Both hindcasting (looking at past events) and forecasting examples were presented. In numerous applications, early warning is crucial and thus new developments in the realm of coastal operational metocean forecasting is imperative for coastal planning.

The WRC signed an MoU in 2018 with the IORA-RCSTT to host the Water and Sanitation Science and Technology Transfer Coordination Centre, and events such as this may be used to grow recognition of IORA both nationally and regionally.

Presenters included representatives from the WRC, SAWS, eThekweni Municipality and WSP.

Presentation 1 - Dr Mamohloding Tlhagale (WRC)

Presentation 2 - Mr Marc de Vos (SAWS)

Presentation 3 - Mr Geoff Tooley (eThekweni Municipality)

Presentation 4 - Mr Roy van Ballegooyen (WSP)

4th WRC Symposium
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