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Corianna Julie - Chairperson

Corianna Julie is a master’s student at Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, at the Elwande Node. Her study focuses on mangrove responses to tidal inundation and sediment accumulation at two study sites; the Nxaxo and St Lucia estuaries, supervised by Professor Janine Barbara Adams, Dr Taryn Riddin, and Dr Jaqueline Raw. She hopes that this study will provide an idea of how the intertidal environment will respond amidst sea level rise and climate change. Originally from the Seychelles, Corianna is purely an “island baby” being happiest where there is sun, sea, sand, and lots of greenery! This spurred her love for the environment and she therefore aspires to aid in bridging the gap between science and the community so as to have a holistic approach to environmental conservation to combat climate change. Outside academia, Corianna loves going to the beach, travelling, and interacting with people

Corianna Julie - Chairperson
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