Offshore invertebrate monitoring and development of field identification guide
In collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and Department of Environment (DEA), SAEON Egagasini facilitated development of appropriate sampling protocol for offshore invertebrates associated with the annual demersal research trawl surveys (i.e. soft sediment benthic epifauna). In establishing this monitoring initiative, it was recognized that very few invertebrate species retained in the research trawl net were accurately recorded at the species level. The need for an offshore trawl invertebrate field identification guide was identified and is under development, led by SAEON Egagasini. Through this collaborative initiative, all invertebrates retained in the demersal research surveys are now monitored on an annual basis and accurately identified. Such information on benthic fauna diversity and abundance will provide valuable information on ecosystem changes that may develop in the future.
A new component of this project is an online Species Database that is being developed to house all invertebrate data and images associated with this project. The database will also be used to generate the field identification guide pages.Plans are in progress towards formal publication of the Offshore Invertebrate ID Guide to be made available to use by the wider marine community .