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Workshop planning

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Workshop planning

Posted by Bruce Kelbe at April 29. 2014

I would like to suggest the following agenda for the workshop

Overview of the Mgobezeleni Project
2 Hydrology followed by field trip to show streams, lakes, boreholes and landuse impacts
3 Ecology followed by field trip to see the different systems
4 Biology and water quality followed by field trip to see
5 Student training/projects followed by closure

Where do we present the estuary?

How do we include Steve and Janine?

Re: Workshop planning

Posted by Ricky Taylor at May 01. 2014

Our original aim was to run a course over 10 days.

I envisaged each day consisting of a lecture, a field excursion (to see something in the field - e.g. different types of wetlands; to have a practical demonstration of something - e.g. pump-testing a borehole or measuring stream flow rates, or to collect something e.g. water samples, plants for identification) and a task that the students had to achieve ( e.g. draft a map showing location of features, map of the estuary margin, checklist of plants from a specific wetland, calculations of groundwater flow through the estuary berm etc)

We need to limit the number of participants to a manageable number.

Our priority must be post-grads from UniZul and NMMU (if they come on board).  Then we have said we need to train field managers ( Ezemvelo staff and others) .  Into this category fall the DAEA staff who have done the soil survey.

As well as the above, we had talked about a mini-series of lectures - aimed at local community members and people with little scientific background

It will be great to have the German visitors - but we should be careful not to compromise our stated objectives and our target audiences - and also the content we present.

My feeling is that we do create a different set of lectures as well - which we do over a day and aimed specifically at groups such as the German group. We plan our conference presentations to provide much of the material needed - and also plan our WRC report-back to tie in with this as well


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