This folder contains PRESENCE produced geodata and maps. Keep in mind that further details on the files' production and potential uses are found in the folder Documents.
- Baviaanskloof catchment
- This shapefile represents the boundaries of the Baviaanskloof catchment.
- alluvial fan Baviaanskloof
- drainage basins Baviaanskloof
- Restoration plan spekboom % cover
- Restoration plan_degradation & landuse
- Erosion risk thicket Baviaanskloof
- Vegetation cover thicket Baviaanskloof
- Land use Baviaanskloof
- Restoration potentials Baviaanskloof
- Restoration & stewardship potentials
- Tourism tracks and trails
- Current constructions Baviaanskloof
- Spekboom planting Vleikloof
- Spekboom planting Zandvlakte
- Elemental Equity plant sites Cambria
- Kouga catchment
- Kromme catchment
- Current agriculture Baviaanskloof
- Scenario Diversity of farming facilities
- Scenario Diversity of farming land use
- Scenario Diversity of farming roads&boundaries
- Scenario Living with nature facilities
- Scenario Living with nature land use
- Scenario Living with nature tracks&boundaries
- Scenario Room for nature facilities
- Scenario Room for nature land use
- Scenario room for nature tracks&boundaries
- Current track&trail Baviaanskloof